Improve Load Time of your website

This is the process of time that passes between the browser sending the request to the server and the page to fully loading and rendering.Having fast page load time can also boost your website’s crawl rate. High page speed can also increase your site’s crawl demand, meaning Google will want to crawl more pages.In other words, if your pages don’t load within a few seconds, it significantly increases the chance that visitors will leave your site.

Page load time has long been a Google ranking factor, If your page load time is slow, it affects user experience, bounce rate, search performance, and revenue. and also effect on site crawl time.The faster pages can be loaded, the more pages Google can crawl at one time. High page speed can also increase your site’s crawl demand.Page speed also plays a main role in SEO.If you want to run a highly-effective website, therefore, it’s necessary to focus on optimizing page speed.

Improve your site page speed

  • Optimize Images
  • Minify CS,JS and HTML
  • Caching
  • Avoid render blocking scripts
  • Reduce HTTP